Policy Administration

Efficiently manage the complex interactions needed throughout the lifecycle of your policies. Flexible configuration is supported for personal, commercial, specialty, and term-life lines.

Easy configuration

Application forms, endorsements, and premiums can be updated in minutes. Entire lines of business can be added in weeks, without engaging an outside vendor.

Create policy documents

Define and customize documents ranging from invoices to policy output to customer notifications. Users can download them as PDFs, view them as web pages, or send them automatically embedded in emails.

Efficient quote and bind

Agents and underwriters can work collaboratively on our platform to generate quotes and bind the risk with the required rating, documents, and reporting.

Reach your customers

In addition to our web portal, custom direct-to-consumer website and mobile applications can be easily created using our APIs.

Create standardized products

ACORD forms and NCCI ratings can be quickly deployed or customized to expedite product launches.

Integrated search

All data is available from one universal search tool in our web portal.

Go worldwide

Socotra supports multiple currencies, local languages, and multi-country regulatory requirements out of the box.

Free Trial

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