
Socotra manages claims from FNOL to settlement. Your agents and adjusters can work collaboratively, choosing to either work concurrently or handoff claims seamlessly within our system.

Choose your channel

Reach your customers through their preferred channels. Claims can be filed by an agent, by an adjuster, or by the customer. Once filed, Socotra then tracks each claim against the policy’s specific perils and limits.

Streamline operations

When integrated with smart business rules, you can drastically reduce the time it takes to reach decisions on submitted claims. Some claims payments may be entirely automated.

Reduce system costs

Because each user has specific functions that they can perform, from setting reserves to issuing payments and tracking losses, you can have all of your operations team on one platform working collaboratively.

Integrate easily with TPAs

With our APIs and automated reporting, any changes in your claims data are shared on one platform, simplifying integrations with third-party administrators.

Free Trial

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